Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More fun with iPhone "Brushes"

I never post to this blog. Which is sad. I actually didn't mean for this blog's title to be so apt and descriptive. It was intended to spur me on to actually draw in the present tense. But anyway... I'll post something else soon. I MUST DRAW. I miss it so much.

I did get better with the iPhone art though. Here's my second, third and fourth attempts...

  • one. That's me. I gave myself hair again. Wishful thinking? This drawing comes with Rogaine!
  • two. randomness. just a doodle. I have always drawn blondes with ample cleavage.
  • three. Bye Bye Birdie during one of my Mad Men fits... which are often.
And my best piece thus far is below. Did it while waiting for the movie Precious to start. I became kinda obsessed with that movie during the fall/winter as is evidenced in the abundant film postings

I also got a wacom drawing tablet for Christmas (thanks honey) but am still learning how to use it. Perhaps it will eventually result in a real life for this blog?

Stop laughing!