Sunday, March 02, 2008

Delayed Reaction. Start Up Dot Com(e On!)

I inked this picture of me (watching a movie, natch) a few years back. My parents used to joke that I was born with a pencil in my hand. I used to doodle relentlessly. I still do
if I'm not near a computer. Computers have destroyed my life or at least consumed it. But I miss the drawing, I do.

So I set up this blog many moons ago and promptly forgot by which user name, email address and whatnot by which I could access it. But here I am again...

Will I do anything with it? Time will tell. But I used to draw... and I wish to do so again


Anonymous said...

Love the picture. (Just found this link through the Film Experience) I am the same...used to draw and doodle all the time. Somehow I stopped along the lines.
Have now (a couple of days ago;)) found a way to integrate drawing on my blog. I hope I can keep it up though...

JLamm said...

since you found your blog back a few months ago, why haven't you been back? looks like it could be good!

C. L. DeMedeiros said...

You should try The Art Students League of NYC
and embrace your lines again.

You're good!


jlamm... I KNOW

vanessa hi

cl. hmmm. will look into it.

i'm trying to get a wacom tablet so i can draw at my computer with greater ease

Meriem said...

great hobby nathaniel; i encourage you to continue and it's been the same with me about song writing

Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn said...

ah, ditto. a few years ago i finally broke through the inertia and signed up for a figure drawing class at cooper union--which was possibly some of the most fun i've had in years. really, really loved it, and would like to do it again--but i have a toddler now which means 10:30 (when the class ends) is actually late...i know, it's embarrassing. the art students league of ny, which someone else mentioned, has open figure drawing sessions (no teacher) every day for something like $5. i went once with a friend...keep thinking i'm going to go again, but there are a lot of interests and one small child now competing for my time...and the computer is always right here, isn't it?